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You Are One Step Closer To Displaying Your Writing Excellence. Let Our Professional Help You Out.

Editing, proofreading, publishing--all that form the criticalities of the book writing process. We know the effort it takes, the perseverance it needs, and the struggle it brings, so why not hire a helping hand? We are only a call, message, or email away! Let’s collaborate.

(855) 514-3100

What Is Our Book Publishing Process?

We have devised an elaborate workflow process to maximize transparency while also making sure that the final product's quality does not suffer. We do this through an extensive process of asking for approvals and updating our customers at every project stage. This helps a customer understand where we're coming from and be aware of what's going on. Our self publishing process follows these six stages, as listed below.


Whether Bookshelf or Self Publishing – Our Designs Makes You Stand Out

Design is the most important aspect when it comes to selling books. We know that might sound like an old cliché, but designing your cover will deliver layout and build intrigue for potential readers; they’ll want more after seeing what’s in store within these pages! So don’t settle on anything less than perfection – let us help make sure every manuscript looks exactly how you envisioned through Self Publishers Inc.

(855) 514-3100