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Our Done and Dusted Proofreading Projects That Speak For Our Credibility

Here are a few proofreading projects that we accomplished with utmost finesse.

Answers To Some Questions That May Be Whirling Around Your Head!

Our proofreading experts go above and beyond to make your manuscript flawless and attention-grabbing. Whether you are an author who wants to perfect your books or a business person who wants their publications to look professional, we serve as the perfect stop to pause. Self Publishers Inc sets the bar high with its standard proofreading services online and knows what its clients may be thinking of. So, here are some frequently asked questions by clients.

How Much Does A Book Proofreading Service Cost?

The cost of the best proofreading services depends on the length of your manuscript and the level of editing needed.

What Happens During The Book Proofreading Process?

During the book proofreading process, the editor will carefully read through your manuscript and make corrections as needed. They will also provide feedback on elements such as plot, character development, and pacing.

How Long Does It Take To Complete A Book Proofreading?

The length of time it takes to complete a book proofreading depends on the length of your manuscript and the level of editing needed.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Book Proofreading Service?

The benefits of using a book proofreading service include having a professionally edited manuscript, catching errors before publication, and improving the overall quality of your book.

Why Do You Need To Invest In Our Professional Proofreading Services?


Second-to-none Proofreading Services

To help you improve the readability of your book, our proofreading experts go the extra mile and ensure not a single flaw remains unattended. The rendered online proofreading services are of the highest quality, which means you can rest assured of being in good hands.


Highly Experienced Proofreaders

We have a team of highly experienced and skilled proofreaders who are experts in their field and work diligently to ensure that your document is error-free.


Money-back Satisfaction Guaranteed

We offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee so that you can be confident that you will be happy with the results of our proofreading services.


24/7 Operational

We are available 24/7 to provide you with our proofreading services so that you can get your document back as soon as possible.


Pricing That Makes Sense

We offer a range of affordable pricing options to suit your needs and budgets. Our affordable proofreading services are what you need to make your book covert into a best-selling publication.


All Ears to You

Sun never sets on Self Publishers Inc. We welcome queries of our valued clients with the laser-speedy response and ensure their concerns are addressed at the earliest possible.

This Is How You Get A Fresh Pair Of Eyes On Your Manuscript.

Here’s how we set the wheel of proofreading services in motion.


Have A Second Set Of Eyes To Catch The Errors That You Have Missed!

Call us to get professional editors who will comb through your work and correct any errors. Whether it's a typo or a more serious grammatical error, we'll make sure it's fixed before you submit your work.

(855) 514-3100