Let Our E-Book Writing Team Help You.
Work with the industry’s top writers, editors, and publishing strategists. Our team approach gives you the best chance for success.
Our process begins with 4extensive publishing strategy sessions to ensure we develop a plan to achieve your goals.
Enjoy the efficiency and dependability of our professionally managed bookwriting process.
Our team includes #1 New York Times- Book Writers and award-winning authors for almost every genre.
Your project will be managed and edited by a former acquisitions editor from a Big-5 publisher with numerous New York Times - Book Writing titles.
We guide you through every step of the book publishing process. We can place your book directly with traditional publishers or help you choose the ideal hybrid publishing solution.
We want to help you shine your eBook and make it compelling for readers, so we'll work with the most important ideas. You have an option of doing a one-hour interview where any challenging or confusing topics will be bouncing off us before they're even published.
Our eBook publishing service is an excellent tool to build your authority in the book writing industry and become an authority of relevant information.
Self Publishers Inc has a team of professional illustrators and designers ready to breathe life into your idea. Our ebook editing service specialization lies in various genres that include:
Your idea is unique, and you need a company that will take it from start to finish. We are here for all the steps, so your legacy can live in words.