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War of the Ruecca

By: Jerry W Martin

Publication date: June 26, 2023

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War between the AshMor Empire and the Earthian Triangulum Fleet ended. Alex One, Admiral and Supreme Commander of the Earthian forces, travels to a distant Jurassic planet in the new ship Myra, Queen of the AshMor Empire, and the RAI (Robotic Artificial Intelligent) humanoids designed for him. An unexpected attack by the Ruecca on Henderson, home world of the RAIs, occurs minutes after Alex’s departures. RAIs win the battle, but at a heavy cost. After Alex arrives at the Jurassic planet a Ruecca Warship appears and begins hunting him. Out gunned, Alex is forced to stay on the move. Several Ruecca fighter aircraft are destroyed while searching for him, but he and the RAIs recue one of the downed pilots, Sema. In the AshMor Empire, Freedom-Now begins bombing in public venues killing innocent people hoping to overthrow the monarchy. Queen Myra struggles to move the Empire to a free-market system and a government ruled by the people. Soon, the Ruecca turn their might on the AshMor Empire killing tens of thousands. Alex discovers their attackers are the Lost Tribes of AshMor known as the Council. Join the war to see if Alex and Myra survive or will the Council’s invasion plans become a reality.

By: Jerry W Martin

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Publication date: September 19, 2020

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